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Friday 16 May 2014

SPOTLIGHT: Gay Actor McKellen as Magneto and Gandalf

In an X-Men: Days Of Future Past interview, Ian McKellen--an openly homosexual actor was quoted saying,"Being a mutant in an X-Men universe is a metaphor for being an outcast of society; being black, Jewish or gay. That was my 'in' to the character (of Magneto), to understand how it felt to be discriminated against."

McKellen's passion for the role of Magneto is palpable. When he first played the antagonist in 1999, McKellen started a blog-Magneto's Lair to communicate with fans.

When asked if he wants to be a real mutant, he enthused "Certainly, I don't thinks of him as evil--just someone who reacts to being unfairly ostracized."

McKellen also play the iconic Gandalf in the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

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