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Sunday 11 May 2014


We all know that Marvel's The Avengers is the biggest and most successful superhero movie. People can relate to every character. But imagine if the Avengers was created by Pixar or Japanese animation.

Here, fans have created a blend of the marvelous Avengers characters with something else amazing. The end result was, well unexpected. 

The Disneyvengers by cheezburger

Cat Avengers by imgur
Pixar’s “The Avengers” by cartoonbrew
poke avengers by imgur
Tim Burton's The Avengers by themarysue
Avengers VS X-Men Babies by skottieyoung
Owning the Avengers
Doraemon Avengers
Avengers Star Wars Clone Troopers by Randommization
Baby-Faced Avengers by imgur
Minions Avengers by imgur
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